Did you watch The Speech last night? All my hippie faggot friends r pwnd! You know who you are, San Diego...
I think she did a very good job. The quibbles I read from the commentariat are kind of funny. Apparently, they wanted her to cram a quadrillion pages of policy and a Sybil-like range of emotional nuance into one teensy-weensie speech. But what she needs to do at this point is paint the broad strokes, not the details.
Odds on Palin withdrawing fell by 50% on the Intrade market overnight.
Meme Dump…
2 hours ago
Oooh, called out by city...
I thought she did a decent job. She's a good speech reader. She has good presence and is a plucky little solider. I thought her whole attack on Obama came off as ridiculous. I am tired of the clever quip, from both parties, no substance to any of it. I think the party is going to like her more than McCain, given its current slant.
There was so much pent up anxiety about her that as long as she didn't throw up on the podium, it was going to be what the Rep. needed to get out of the way.
Just came off as calculating and dull. I still don't know anything about her other than her speech writer doesn't like Obama's community service.
My favorite was Romney. Did you see that?
I thought Romney was fair red meat, but the real laugher was Rudy mocking the East-coast cosmopolitans. That had me rolling...
Regardless, my friend mathle, you're gonna have to eat your comment from the other day that said the media would pick her apart. I think she just up and sledgehammered 'em.
And get off with the 'reader' and 'speechwriter' crap -- you know better than that. Are you getting the talking points transmitted directly to your brain, or do you get to pick and choose from what the Times writers spoonfeed you?
Time will tell. I stick by my pick apart comment. This first presentation of Sarah to the public was very...crafted. I am interested to see how she fairs under the scrutiny of the campaign trail.
"She is a good speech reader." Matt, that's a little too clever, your little back-handed compliment meant to disparage Palin. In case it escaped you, ALL politicians have speech writers. All also review and edit the speeches before they deliver them. Maybe the teleprompter used by speakers at both conventions escaped your notice. Romney, whose speech you said you liked, was also written by a speech writer.
I've seen you post some thoughful comments and (and e-mail some intelligent stuff) but the snide, irrational attacks are not what I expected from you.
Sarah Palin is a big hit and has energized the Republican base. She has brought enthusiasm to the GOP and will get a lot of Republicans out to vote that would have stayed home in November.
VP nominees don't give speeches articulating their own positions -- they introduce themselves and support the candidate at the top of the ticket (did you notice substance from Biden? Neither did I.).
Palin is a great pick because she is a conservative and now gives the small government GOPers a reason to be excited. McCain may not be the best conservative candidate, but having Palin at his side makes him much more palatable. If she is not the VP in 2008, she'll make an excellent candidate in 2012.
Meanwhile, watch the liberal MSM continue to try to pick her apart with these lame little lies. I'm sure the lefties are taking great glee in the attacks from the Daily Kos folks and Andrew Sullivan. I'm betting Sarah Palin stands up well to the scrutiny and provides the catalyst for small-government conservatism to be re-ascendant.
Yes, it was a cheap shot. Didn't mean to rankle you guys so much. I thought it would be more quickly laughed off.
I agree with everything you wrote. And, I still interested to see how she holds up under the scrutiny.
Respect the bitches, bro.
"Respect the penis" - Tom Cruise, Magnolia.
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