By Fortuna Publica, Pelosi's floor speech yesterday takes the cake for laughably dumbass politicking over the bailout. After berating Republicans up and down over their character, judgment, and beliefs for 15 minutes, she closes by demanding they step up and cover her ass on the bailout bill. Is it any wonder they refused to do so?
The best argument against democracy is the leaders it produces.
And while I'm ragging on Pelosi, I'll add a bipartisan gender-bashing by saying that last week's Palin interview with Katie Couric was such a gobbledy-gook of nonsense that I was surprised she didn't keel over with an aneurysm. Isn't that what stroke victims sound like? I know that many of my friends and readers are in the tank for the GOP since Palin was added to the ticket, and I myself have a visceral like of the lady and the way she's pissed off all the right people. But pandering with symbols is easy, and that might be all you'll get from Col. Tigh.
Meme Dump…
1 hour ago
...and, I think a lot of folks feel that way: Sarah is a candidate from left field who pissed off/propped up either critics or followers, hooray! But, in the end it is turning out that she is grossly unqualified for the position; that is the inconvenient truth...
Pelosi is just an idiot; too caught up in showing up the Repubs to be effective.
I dunno; Palin sure sucks at spewing talking points and avoiding the question. I do hope she wipes the floor with Biden, though -- he's a pompous jackass.
I think she will do fine in the debate. Expectations are low and she has the ability to come off well. But, there is a good reason the McCain campaign is keeping her under wraps; she has the ability to sink the campaign very quickly if this goes badly and she has already proved she doesn't understand the issues. The question is, how quick of a student is she?
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